University of Washington

Odegaard Library

Solo Show

show ended Dec 10 2006


Fragments of War

Odegard Library, UW 2006 

 “What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?”

-- Mahatma Gandhi 

“War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.”

-- John F. Kennedy

        A part is any of the components of a whole

        A portion is a part allotted to or regarded as belonging to someone

         A piece is a part separated from the whole

         A division is a part formed by classifying, cutting, partitioning

         A segment is a part separated along natural lines of division

         A fragment is a small part, usually broken off


I see war in the fragments, the individual experiences that form a mosaic of loss, despair, and endurance.

                                                                                    -- Sabah Al-Dhaher


List of some of the artwork on display

Iraqi Widow

Colored ink & coffee on Paper

5' X 3'

A tribute to my sister, Asraa, age 24, who lost her husband when a car bomb exploded near the bus he was riding to visit his brother in Baghdad in July 2004.  




Colored ink & coffee on Paper



Sometimes, those who have seen too much can no longer turn their vision outward.




Fragment of Love in Time of War

Colored ink & coffee on Paper



In war, love stories are colored by loss and conflict.





Colored ink & coffee on Paper



In a place of war, there are none who are free.





Marble on Granite base



The man’s soul seems serene as he rises up from the shell of his body below, while the woman, weak with grief, attempts in vain to prevent his departure.




Holding On




If only the survivors could share the oblivion of the dying…